• New
Flowers of the jade vine one of the most beautiful tropical plant
  • Flowers of the jade vine one of the most beautiful tropical plant
  • Flowers of the Strongylodon macrobotrys offering their uniq colour
  • The jade blue flowers of the Jade vine, one of the rarets tropical plant.
  • Impressive flowering stems of the Strongylodon macrobotrys that can reach 3m
  • spectacular bluue flowers of the Strongylodon macrobotrys, a collector tropical plant
  • Brown to dark green leaves of the Jade vine
  • The big fruit of the Strongylodon macrobotrys
  • The blue claw-shaped flowers of the tropical climber jade vine
  • the blue green flowers of the Strongylodon macrobotrys is a color unique in the plant kingdom

Jade vine

VAT included

Strongylodon macrobotrys

Payment in 3x or 4x with Alma from 90€

Be patient, we’re growing...
Fast and safe delivery throughout Europe
Fast and safe delivery throughout Europe
48 to 72 hours delivery
100 % grown in France
100 % grown in France
All our plants are grown from seeds in the Loire valley.
100% natural
100% natural
No chemical fertilizer or add on Plants’ growth cycle is respected Non-grafted, non-hybridized
We sell our plants young, so that they are both adaptable and affordable
Customized packaging
Customized packaging
All our boxes were designed especially for Rayon de Serre. 100% recycled and recyclable.
100% secure payment
100% secure payment
Payment in 3x or 4x with Alma from 90€

Caractéristiques de la plante

  • Strongylodon macrobotrys : Jade vine
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Origin : Philippines
  • Height in its natural environment : 20 m
  • Hardiness : 15°C
  • Colour of the flower : jade blue/green

Les plants de Rayon de Serre

Taille des plantes Rayon de Serre Height : from 1 to 2 meters

croissance de la plante Fast grower

Plant description

Le mot de Rayon de Serre

WARNING: the cultivation of Jade vine is very delicate. We send healthy, strong and growing seedlings, but cannot, in any way guarantee that they will take well, and cannot be held responsible if they fail to do so. It is not recommended for novice gardeners, and is one of the plants to be experimented with; Strongylodon macrobotrys often takes several attempts before one is successfully acclimatized. We can't grow them in large quantities: we'll be offering them regularly, but in very small quantities, so please be patient..

Is it still necessary to introduce the famous Jade vine? Arguably the most beautiful flower in the world, and one of the rarest and most sought-after plants...

In fact, this tropical climber offers spectacular flowering, with droping flowering stems that can reach heights of over three meters, and a color unique in the plant kingdom: a jade-turquoise blue-green with violet calyxes, absolutely irresistible! Its claw-shaped flowers face upwards and are particularly nectar-bearing, attracting bees, moths and bats to pollinate them. This produces a large fruit containing the seeds, which germinate in just a few days. The leaves of the Strongylodon macrobotrys are brown-green when young, before turning a beautiful dark green..
The Jade vine grows in the tropical rainforests of the Philippines, clinging to trees along watercourses. Unfortunately, it is endangered as the forest continues to shrink...

This Strongylodon macrobotrys likes part shade, but also needs periods of good sunshine during the day. It doesn't tolerate the cold, so it needs to be grown in a heated greenhouse or veranda, providing it with supports on which to curl up, and leaving it enough height to hang its flower clusters, which can appear as early as the third year. It will alternate periods of strong growth, when it will need plenty of water in a well-drained substrate, with periods of dormancy, when watering should be greatly reduced..

Although very delicate to grow in our latitudes, it's well worth a try: in our eyes, Jade vine is the most beautiful plant in the world...

NB : Jade vines are delivered within 24 hours using Chronopost. We will call you to coordinate delivery.

Conseils de culture

Conseil de Culture Rayon de Serre

Rempoter ?
Arroser ?
Apport d'éléments nutritifs ?
Plante d'intérieur ou plante d'extérieur ?
Que faire en cas de maladie ?

Tous les conseils de culture en cliquant ici

Growing tips



When you receive your plant, repot it in a pot slightly larger than the bucket, which must be well pierced. Avoid pot covers which prevent residual water from draining away and encourage fungal diseases. Choose a fine potting soil, ideally with added perlite or sand to lighten the substrate (do not use garden soil or acidic soil such as heather). Then plan two repottings per year (spring and autumn), gradually increasing the size of the pot and adapting it to the size of the root network (the roots must have room, but not too much as the plant must be able to dry out its substrate between waterings). This avoids having to add fertilizer, which always risks burning the fragile roots of the plants and making the plant wither as soon as the fertilizer is stopped.



ious watering during the growth phase (the entire rootball should be wet, then wait for the substrate to dry on the surface before the next watering), and much more moderate watering during dormancy (wait for the rootball to dry deeply before the next watering).

For an indoor planting

For an indoor planting

Jade Liana needs to be grown in a warm, bright spot, in a greenhouse or heated conservatory. It needs both semi-shade and periods of direct sunlight during the day.

For an outdoor planting

For an outdoor planting

This plant is not frost and/or cold resistant and should not be planted outside except in limited parts of Southern Europe.



It can be pruned, but generally speaking, as it's a very delicate plant, let it go where it wants without upsetting it!

In case of pest attack

In case of pest attack

If your plants are under attack by aphids or other pests, the best way to control them is by hand. Change their soil, remove as many undesirables as possible by hand and then shower your plants with a strong stream of water to eliminate any eggs that may be present. Spray them (insist on the underside of the leaves) with liquid black soap diluted in water. Repeat the operation several times at a few days interval. Take them outside in good weather, rain, sun and wind will kill most of the aggressors!

Rayon de Serre's word

Rayon de Serre's word

It alternates between periods of strong growth and dormancy, so adapt your watering to its needs.

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