- New

Height : from 1 to 2 meters
Fast grower
When you receive your plant, repot it in a pot slightly larger than the bucket, which must be well pierced. Avoid pot covers which prevent residual water from draining away and encourage fungal diseases. Choose a fine potting soil, ideally with added perlite or sand to lighten the substrate (do not use garden soil or acidic soil such as heather). Then plan two repottings per year (spring and autumn), gradually increasing the size of the pot and adapting it to the size of the root network (the roots must have room, but not too much as the plant must be able to dry out its substrate between waterings). This avoids having to add fertilizer, which always risks burning the fragile roots of the plants and making the plant wither as soon as the fertilizer is stopped.
ious watering during the growth phase (the entire rootball should be wet, then wait for the substrate to dry on the surface before the next watering), and much more moderate watering during dormancy (wait for the rootball to dry deeply before the next watering).
Jade Liana needs to be grown in a warm, bright spot, in a greenhouse or heated conservatory. It needs both semi-shade and periods of direct sunlight during the day.
This plant is not frost and/or cold resistant and should not be planted outside except in limited parts of Southern Europe.
It can be pruned, but generally speaking, as it's a very delicate plant, let it go where it wants without upsetting it!
If your plants are under attack by aphids or other pests, the best way to control them is by hand. Change their soil, remove as many undesirables as possible by hand and then shower your plants with a strong stream of water to eliminate any eggs that may be present. Spray them (insist on the underside of the leaves) with liquid black soap diluted in water. Repeat the operation several times at a few days interval. Take them outside in good weather, rain, sun and wind will kill most of the aggressors!
It alternates between periods of strong growth and dormancy, so adapt your watering to its needs.