Height : about 10 to 20 cm
Fast grower
Carica papaya is not only a beautiful, fast-growing tree, it also produces a fruit with many virtues, a beautiful green color that turns yellow or orange when ripe, and which is always a sensation on our plates: the papaya. The Carica papaya 'colombo' variety is characterized by its delicious, long fruit. We also offer the 'solo' variety, with its small, very sweet fruit, and the 'sweet sense' variety, with its soft, juicy texture.
The papaya is always ready to help: you can of course eat its beautiful orange flesh ripe to perfection, with a touch of lemon to enhance the taste, but you can also eat it green as a vegetable, or even use it as a face mask to lighten your complexion! Its young leaves can be eaten as a vegetable, and its older leaves crumpled and wrapped around a raw meat w ill tenderize it. Its elegant crushed seeds are a good substitute for pepper and serve as a dewormer.
An indelible blood stain on a piece of clothing? Try a decoction of its leaves, a formidable stain remover...
A small intimate problem ? Try its roots, they are aphrodisiacs...
Papaya is used for everything! It was even prescribed to John Paul II to fight against his Parkinson's disease; it is always good to have a Carica papaya at home
When you receive your plant, repot it in a pot slightly larger than the bucket, which must be well pierced. Avoid pot covers which prevent residual water from draining away and encourage fungal diseases. Choose a fine potting soil, ideally with added perlite or sand to lighten the substrate (do not use garden soil or acidic soil such as heather). Then plan two repottings per year (spring and autumn), gradually increasing the size of the pot and adapting it to the size of the root network (the roots must have room, but not too much as the plant must be able to dry out its substrate between waterings). This avoids having to add fertilizer, which always risks burning the fragile roots of the plants and making the plant wither as soon as the fertilizer is stopped.
Copious watering: when watering, the entire root ball should be wet, then wait for the substrate to dry on the surface before watering again. These plants are greedy in water, but you should not drown the roots either. Always water at the base of the plant, and do not mist it, because stagnant water in the armpit of the leaves favors cryptogamic diseases. If your atmosphere is too dry, put bowls of water nearby (above radiators for example), so that evaporation humidifies the air.
A true houseplant, place it in a warm and bright place, like a veranda or behind a window, direct sunlight suits them perfectly.
This plant is not frost and/or cold resistant and should not be planted outside except in limited parts of Southern Europe.
This plant supports the pruning, but we do not advise it because that would make it lose its native form.
Our plants are grown naturally, without chemical fertilizers, so we advise you to repot them regularly (twice a year) rather than adding fertilizer.
If your plants are under attack by aphids or other pests, the best way to control them is by hand. Change their soil, remove as many undesirables as possible by hand and then shower your plants with a strong stream of water to eliminate any eggs that may be present. Spray them (insist on the underside of the leaves) with liquid black soap diluted in water. Repeat the operation several times at a few days interval. Take them outside in good weather, rain, sun and wind will kill most of the aggressors!