When receiving your new protégés, repot them upon reception, or the day after. Do it with a high quality potting compost, organic if possible, to which you can add sand or perlite to aerate the sustrate. Choose a pot slightly bigger than the original container, increase its size gradually at each repotting. Repot twice a year.”


Wet the clod generously then let it dry between each watering ; in general, plants recover with more ease from a lack of water than an excess of it. Do no let stagnant water in contact with your plant in the saucer. It asphyxiates the roots and favors the development of illnesses. On the contrary, to humidify the air surrounding your plant,  you can put your pot on an upside down saucer placed on a bigger one in which you'll let water. You can also separate the pot from the water in the saucer using  gravel.

Do not water too much

Instead of using ferterlizers, repot your plants at least once a year. Ours plants have grown naturally, at their own path ; tha's what suits them the most!

Nutrient inputs

You can find the hardiness of each of our varieties on its page of our website , where we communicate a simplified classification (hard frosts, moderate frosts and frost-sensitive) to guide you in your choice. However, when it comes to hardiness the key word is : caution !! Exposure to wind and sun, ground conditions and maturity of the plant can affect it. Give yourself a safety margin  regarding temperatures themselves and the maturity of the plants. If your winters are very close to the hardiness of the variety, a 1 or two years in pot developpement could be a great idea. When buying during the late spring and summer, do not place your plants under the direct sun right away : harden them off to the sun and put them in half-shade

Indoor or outdoor plant?

If you plants are under aphids or other pest attack, the best way to eradicate them remains the manual method. Remove manualy as many undersirables as possible, then shower your plant  with a water jet to eliminate potential eggs. Mist them  (especially under the leaves) with diluted black soap. Repeat if needed.

What to do in case of pest invasion?

Some of our varieties (baobabs, frangipani ...) loose their leaves during the winter : reduce substantially watering until spring, when your plant will produce it's new foliage.

What to do in case of leaves falling off ?

If you have any question regarding your plant, do not hesitate to contact Rayon de Serre. We'd be more than happy to help you.  Rayon de Serre will also be happy to receive news from your plant(s) through Facebook or Instagram, do no hesitate to post pictures and comments !

Rayon de Serre is here for you !

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